The same year Beautiful Dream Society was incorporated as a 501(c)3 in Oklahoma, a team of seven members of Victory Church in the US voluntarily moved to Lesotho, under the leadership of Sonya and Charles Martinez, to help victims of human trafficking in Lesotho. They went on to form Victory Church Maseru!

About Our Partnership
We believe and have experienced that people heal more effectively in spiritual community. Our children and survivors have opportunities to participate in thriving community-led spiritual programs like children’s church, youth group, and youth worship. They also learn to volunteer in the church by serving on the audio/video team, hospitality team, worship team, and as ushers and greeters. Victory Church Maseru supports the spiritual and financial aspects of our mission. As we work together to make the way clear and share the hope of Jesus in Lesotho, our mission, vision, and values are tightly woven together.
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