Our Work: Lesotho

Restoring lives. Lifting Lesotho. Impacting the world. Together.

Anti-Trafficking Crisis Care Shelter

BDS operates a Lesotho government certified, 24-hour, emergency shelter for victims of human sex trafficking and their dependent children in Maseru, Lesotho, Africa. Referrals are provided from multiple sources, such as law enforcement, healthcare agencies, and individual community members. In the home, women and their children receive shelter, food, and clothing. 

Trained staff provide trauma-informed care throughout the process of helping the individual or child to accomplish his or her goals. BDS partners with the community in order to facilitate individual needs, such as medical care, mental health care, and further education and vocational opportunities. Length of stay for the women and girls varies and is determined on a case-by-case basis. Each resident chooses her own personal plan for safety, determines the course of actions to be taken, and is assisted as needed in creating a transition plan to resume a healthy, fulfilling life beyond their time in the Crisis Care Shelter.

Anti-Trafficking Advocacy

The nation of Lesotho first drafted a law criminalizing human trafficking during 2011 which was the same year in which the Beautiful Dream Society opened the first shelter for victims of trafficking in the nation of Lesotho. Education is needed to inform Lesotho citizens of the crime of human trafficking and the law enacted by Parliament to prosecute it.

A person’s value comes from their Creator. Beautiful Dream Society believes, teaches, and demonstrates that all human beings have equal value and no human being should be controlled by another for any reason including race, gender, age, religion, socio-economic status, or sexual orientation. This is portrayed through our presentations and trainings to multiple governmental organizations, schools, community groups, law enforcement, churches, and healthcare providers.


End human trafficking.