Corporate Giving

Restoring lives. Lifting Lesotho. Impacting the world. Together.

Looking for a way to align your corporation with the movement to end human trafficking? An opportunity to make a strategic philanthropic investment supporting vulnerable women and children?

Become a corporate partner

Becoming a Corporate Partner of Beautiful Dream Society will help strengthen your customer loyalty and boost your brand, all while contributing to the fight against human trafficking.


We are incredibly grateful for our corporate partners, and in return for your generosity, our benefits include:

  • Displaying your corporate logos and signage at BDS fundraising events
  • Providing volunteer opportunities for your corporate team or your family
  • Promoting your company through Cause Marketing on our website, social media, and other relevant public relations opportunities

Partnership Opportunities

We are committed to getting to know your corporation’s specific goals and aims for getting involved in the movement to end human trafficking. A variety of partnership opportunities are available to your corporate team, including:

  • In-kind donations for residential program
  • Pro-bono professional service
  • Volunteering
  • Employee matching gift programs
  • Financial support partnership

To get started today, email us at

End human trafficking.