Mojabeng’s Story

Restoring lives. Lifting Lesotho. Impacting the world. Together.

Mojabeng's Story

Mojabeng Mosebo spent three years in prison after she was trafficked from Lesotho, Africa. She suffered through countless traumatic events, only to find herself in a Japanese prison. When she finally escaped, she made a commitment to protect other women and children from facing the same fate. Now she presides as Beautiful Dream Society’s Director in Lesotho.

Meet Mojabeng Mosebo – Human trafficking survivor and BDS Director in Lesotho

In 2009, Mojabeng Mosebo was presented with a lucrative job opportunity in South Africa. She was a mother of two living in extreme poverty, and the job seemed like the answer to her prayers. She was set to work as a sales representative for one of the largest clothing stores in Johannesburg, but when she arrived for her interview, she was met with a far different reality.

Mojabeng found herself in the heart of human trafficking. She spent three long years unable to see her family or any remnants of the life she left behind. She was assisted by an American missionary to unveil her story, secure her release from prison as a victim of trafficking, and in 2012, she was reunited with her family.

Sadly, Mojabeng’s story is not uncommon in Lesotho. This country is ravaged by poverty, and traffickers use that to their advantage. Mojabeng spent years recovering from her trauma, and now she is a vocal advocate against human trafficking.

Mojabeng has been with our organization since 2018. She started working full-time as the Anti-Trafficking Sensitization Coordinator until she was promoted to Director of Beautiful Dream Society of Lesotho. Mojabeng oversees the BDS Children’s Homes for orphans and vulnerable children, as well as the only shelter in Lesotho for victims of human trafficking.

Guest speaking inquiries

Mojabeng loves to share her story with the world. Every speaking event is another opportunity to raise awareness about human trafficking and spread Beautiful Dream Society’s mission. If you are interested in having Mojabeng speak at an upcoming event, please contact us to make arrangements.

End human trafficking.