Transit monitoring

Restoring lives. Lifting Lesotho. Impacting the world. Together.

Transit monitoring saves lives

Stopping human trafficking before it starts

What Transit monitoring is

By monitoring illegal routes at the border of Lesotho and South Africa, we’re able to stop human trafficking before people are victimized. Men, women, and children are looking for job opportunities, and the perpetrator often promises them work in South Africa.

The Beautiful Dream Society team of transit monitors includes one team leader and eight monitors that work in pairs to spot human trafficking, often before the victim even knows she is being trafficked!

Partnering to save lives

Love Justice International receives a grant from the US government to help stop human trafficking in approximately 30 different countries. In Lesotho, they’ve partnered with BDS to accomplish their mission.

Our monitors are given permission by the Lesotho government, coordinating with immigration and border patrol, to monitor the borders through our transit monitoring program.

Together, the US government, the Lesotho government, Love Justice International, and Beautiful Dream Society are working to end human trafficking in Lesotho.

How transit monitoring works

1 -Monitor the likely locations

Our eight monitors work in pairs at locations like bus stations, border posts, airports, or even small villages at the border.

2 - Watch for potential victims

Each of our monitors watches for signs that someone is a potential victim, even if that person doesn't realize it.

3 - Question them separately

One monitor takes the potential victim and questions them, and the other does the same with the potential perpetrator.

4 - Stop human trafficking

Our efforts have saved human trafficking victims before they even realized they were being trafficked!

How you can make a difference in Lesotho

Lesotho, a nation with its own unique beauty and culture, faces several intertwined challenges that deeply impact its people. From the orphan crisis to the AIDS epidemic, from crippling poverty to the dark shadow of human trafficking, these issues don’t just exist in isolation; they exacerbate one another, creating a cycle of suffering for many. But that doesn’t have to be the case forever. 

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In Lesotho? Call Now. +266 6342 3361
We accept M-Pesa and EcoCash

End human trafficking.