Beautiful News


Category: Transit Monitoring

How you can make a difference in Lesotho

Lesotho, a nation with its own unique beauty and culture, faces several intertwined challenges that deeply impact its people. From the orphan crisis to the AIDS epidemic, from crippling poverty to the dark shadow of human trafficking, these issues don’t just exist in isolation; they exacerbate one another, creating a cycle of suffering for many. But that doesn’t have to be the case forever. 

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Human trafficking recently illegal in Lesotho

Human trafficking is a problem worldwide. In Lesotho specifically, it may shock you to know it wasn’t even a crime until 2011. As a result, law enforcement there is often at a loss. They don’t know how to handle situations we run into, especially with our transit monitoring program.

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Making a big difference at the Lesotho border

You’ve probably heard the story of the boy who was on the beach throwing starfish into the ocean one at a time. His dad saw what he was doing and asked, “What are you doing? You can’t save all of them.” The boy replied, “Yes, but for that one, I made a big difference.”

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End human trafficking.