Case study: Transit monitoring in action

Our transit monitoring systems are designed to stop human trafficking at the earliest signs of a dangerous situation. The sooner we can step in, the less trauma these potential victims have to go through.

In early December, our transit monitors intercepted three girls at the Maseru Bridge border. The girls were walking by themselves when one of the monitors saw them and asked where they were going without the supervision of an adult. The oldest one (10) said they were begging for food because they had nothing to eat.

The children were not actively being trafficked, but because they were desperate, vulnerable, and unsupervised, any trafficker could have preyed upon them. Our team members spent time tracking down their guardians, getting them food, and ensuring they were back in safe care.

The girls in this scenario were extremely malnourished and had been eating from trash cans along their walk. Their father left them at home while he went to the store to buy food, but the girls weren’t old enough to understand the dangers outside the home. We educated the entire family about the risks of human trafficking and are hopeful for their future.

These stories are common in Lesotho. Resources are scarce, and many families cannot afford necessities. They wake up each day looking for a new way to survive.

We are incredibly thankful for the generous support we receive from our donors. It allows us to continue supporting orphan children, impoverished families, widows, young women, and other at-risk individuals.

If you want to donate to transit monitoring and other anti-human trafficking efforts in Lesotho, check out our Donations Page to learn more. Thank you for your continued support!

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End human trafficking.