What is Giving Tuesday?

In the whirlwind of holiday sales, Black Friday deals, and Cyber Monday offers, there’s a day dedicated to giving back: Giving Tuesday. Unlike the commercial-driven days that precede it, Giving Tuesday is a global movement that inspires millions to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. But what exactly is Giving Tuesday, and how can you participate, especially in support of worthy causes? 

How did Giving Tuesday start?

Launched in 2012, Giving Tuesday was created as a response to the commercialization of the post-Thanksgiving season. It falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and serves as a reminder to contribute to the betterment of society.

Whether it’s by donating money, volunteering time, or spreading the word about a cause close to your heart, Giving Tuesday encourages everyone to make a positive impact in their community.

Supporting Beautiful Dream Society on Giving Tuesday

Beautiful Dream Society is a Christian humanitarian organization committed to combating human trafficking in Lesotho. Through prevention, protection, and advocacy programs, BDS collaborates with various stakeholders to lead the fight against this human rights emergency.

While BDS’s dedication remains unwavering throughout the year, Giving Tuesday provides a unique opportunity for supporters to amplify the organization’s impact. This year, we are hoping to raise money for our Children’s Village Project. 

This is where we will operate our anti-trafficking shelter and have opportunities to become more self-sustaining by growing our own crops and running an event center. 

Will you partner with us to make this dream a reality?

Ways to support

While we hope you choose to support us this Giving Tuesday, there are many ways to make a difference without spending a dime. You can support Beautiful Dream Society, or any other nonprofit for that matter, by offering your time and talents to their cause. Numerous organizations are also accepting in-kind donations as well!

No matter what you choose to do this Giving Tuesday, don’t underestimate your power to make a difference. Every act of generosity, no matter how small, contributes to a larger positive impact in the world.

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End human trafficking.