Beautiful News


Category: Human Trafficking Awareness

BDS and The Sound of Freedom: Shining Light on Trafficking

The Sound of Freedom is a powerful movie that eloquently highlights the realities of human trafficking worldwide. This gripping film is based on a true story, and it sheds light on the urgent and critical work organizations like Beautiful Dream Society (BDS) complete day after day. The Sound of Freedom serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of advocacy, rescue operations, and trauma-recovery services for survivors.

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Prostituting for survival – a grim reality in Lesotho

The prostitution industry is rapidly growing in areas prone to human trafficking. Prostitution is often a last resort for women in Lesotho who need to make a living. They look for any other possibility before succumbing to this lifestyle. Today, we wanted to highlight one woman’s journey from prostitution to prosperity.

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Human trafficking survivor to speak at fundraising banquet

Mojabeng Mosebo was skeptical but excited when she received an invitation for a ‘lucrative’ job offer in South Africa. It was 2009, and the then 30-year-old mother of two was in a deep financial crisis. An opportunity to work for a prestigious clothing store was exactly what she needed to restart her life.

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Human trafficking reform moves Lesotho from Tier 3 to Tier 2 risk

Over the last three years, Lesotho’s government has drastically improved how they handle and prevent human trafficking. The country was once ranked Tier 3 US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons report, but they moved to Tier 2 watch last year. In 2022, they officially improved to Tier 2 (2022 Trafficking in Persons Report).  

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End human trafficking.