World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed on July 30th each year. This significant day serves as a global platform to raise awareness about the heinous crime of human trafficking and emphasizes the urgent need for action to combat it. The Beautiful Dream Society, in collaboration with the Government of Lesotho, is deeply committed to protecting potential victims, facilitating the recovery of survivors, and implementing preventive measures against human trafficking in Southern Africa.

What is human trafficking?

Thousands of women, men, and children end up in the hands of traffickers every year. They are usually misled with promises of job opportunities, better income, or a fresh start in life. Traffickers prey on people in deep poverty who are desperate to feed their families. Then they kidnap them, force them into slavery, or sell them to other traffickers.

Trafficking survivors experience intense trauma, no matter how brief their enslavement may be. They are used for hard labor or prostitution, and they lose their rights and identities as they fight for survival. The victims may be taken to an unfamiliar country where they do not speak the language and have no support system. Their captors threaten to kill or beat them if they try to escape, and many victims die without ever seeing their families again.

How to fight against human trafficking around the world

A global problem like trafficking needs a global solution, which is why the United Nations organized the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The goal was to encourage vigilance and gain support for the prevention of human trafficking. The UN has put protocols in place to punish human traffickers and protect victims of trafficking. Those protocols are gradually being implemented on a global scale. 

Local initiatives in Lesotho

In more localized settings, organizations like Beautiful Dream Society work hard to stop trafficking at the earliest signs. We have a transit monitoring program to protect victims before they cross the border, and we have children’s shelters to house, feed, and educate youth in the community. 

Transit monitoring program

The transit monitoring program established by the Beautiful Dream Society serves as a shield of protection for potential victims of human trafficking. By strategically stationing personnel at border crossings, we aim to identify individuals who may be at risk of being trafficked. Our trained professionals, equipped with the necessary knowledge and resources, can swiftly intervene and provide support to these vulnerable individuals. Through close collaboration with law enforcement agencies and border control authorities, we endeavor to detect and prevent human trafficking activities, ensuring that potential victims are rescued and perpetrators are brought to justice.

Children’s shelters

At Beautiful Dream Society, we recognize the importance of providing a safe haven for children who have been subjected to trafficking or are at high risk of exploitation. Our children’s shelters offer a comprehensive range of services, including shelter, nourishment, and education, to ensure that young individuals can rebuild their lives in an environment free from exploitation and abuse. By empowering these children through education and life skills training, we strive to break the cycle of vulnerability and create a brighter future for each child we support.

Join the mission: donate today and make a difference

The fight against human trafficking requires collective action and support from individuals and communities worldwide. If you share our commitment to preventing human trafficking and supporting the survivors, we invite you to join our mission in Lesotho. Your donation can make a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals and help us create a safer and more just society.

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Enslaved and impregnated

Farrah, the eldest daughter of a widow, was fighting to have a better life for her family. Facing financial hardships, she abandoned her educational aspirations to help alleviate her mother’s burdens.

End human trafficking.