An exciting addition to the team

The 3P paradigm, Prosecution, Protection, and Prevention, continues to serve as an essential framework for combating human trafficking. Previously, Beautiful Dream Society could only protect and uplift survivors after their ordeal.

Then, with the support of Love Justice International funded by the US Department of State, we added our revolutionary transit monitoring program, which ensured we could prevent trafficking at Lesotho’s borders. Now, because of some generous funding from our partners at Lantern Rescue, we can complete the third area, prosecution. We are thrilled to announce our new police advisor, Tseliso Baholo. A retired officer with years of courage and dedication behind him, Tseliso is not just joining our cause; he’s reigniting our collective hope with his expertise and determination.

Renewed purpose

His career in law enforcement, marked by integrity and the pursuit of justice, has prepared him for this momentous role. At Beautiful Dream Society, we recognize the importance of experience, especially from those who’ve been in the trenches, fighting the very crimes we stand against. Tseliso embodies this spirit, bringing a deep understanding of both the challenges and the pathways to preventing human trafficking, prosecuting offenders, and protecting survivors.


With a focus on investigations, Tseliso’s work is critical in bridging the gap between victim rescue and perpetrator accountability. His role transcends mere detection; it’s about walking the journey with survivors, from the shadows of exploitation to the light of justice in courtrooms. In addition, Tseliso is equipped with a vehicle, which means he can greatly help officers when tracking and arresting offenders.

This holistic approach is central to our mission, ensuring every case is handled with the utmost care and dedication to see it through to its rightful end.

Moving the needle

Tseliso’s arrival marks a significant step forward in our strategic approach to combat trafficking. By integrating his expertise with our core pillars—Protection, Prosecution, and Prevention—we are strengthening our foundation and expanding our reach. His work embodies these principles, driving forward our initiatives and reinforcing our resolve to protect the vulnerable, prosecute the guilty, and prevent future atrocities.

As Tseliso Baholo joins Beautiful Dream Society, we are reminded of the strength found in unity and the impact of dedicated individuals. His role as a Police Advisor is more than a position; it’s a beacon of hope for the countless lives touched by the darkness of trafficking. We welcome Tseliso with open arms and optimistic hearts, confident that we are making a difference together.

Welcome to the team, Tseliso. Together, we dream of a world free from trafficking—a beautiful dream that, with your help, is within our reach.

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End human trafficking.