Groundbreaking update for the BDS Children’s Homes

Beautiful Dream Society broke ground on our Children’s Home project, and we have some exciting updates to share! Here are some new ways we will be able to serve the women, orphans, and impoverished children of Lesotho in the fight against human trafficking. 

The capacity to help more people

Currently, Beautiful Dream Society can only accommodate 12 children in need. Despite the huge demand for our services in Lesotho, we do not have the space or funds to facilitate any more people. Our new building project in Ha Takalimane will allow us to house 32 orphaned and vulnerable children across four homes. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for human trafficking survivors and potential victims, which puts them on a path toward a brighter future. 

Reliable sanctuary for vulnerable individuals

Child victims of trafficking often find themselves in dire situations with nowhere to turn for help or shelter. Many of these children are orphans, but some are put into precarious situations because of their family members. When children lack a reliable support system, they are more liable to end up in the hands of the wrong people. 

The BDS Children’s Home project offers a much-needed sanctuary for these children. They have a safe space to heal, receive education, and rebuild their lives with the support of dedicated caregivers and professionals.

Results you can actually see

For many donors, the issue of child trafficking can feel overwhelming. They may not know where to start to make a difference. By contributing to the Beautiful Dream Society’s new building project, donors can clearly see the results of their contributions. They can rest assured that their donations will be utilized to create a significant impact by helping the actual victims of trafficking and sexual abuse. 

The project is an empowering and tangible way for donors to get involved in the fight against child trafficking. If you’d like to get involved, check out our Children’s Homes page to learn more about this project. 

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End human trafficking.