Beautiful News


Pushing through the setbacks

For nearly ten years, Beautiful Dream Society has helped vulnerable boys and girls in Lesotho reach their full potential. We provide the tools to live a life beyond the trauma—one full of hope and success.

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Human trafficking reform moves Lesotho from Tier 3 to Tier 2 risk

Over the last three years, Lesotho’s government has drastically improved how they handle and prevent human trafficking. The country was once ranked Tier 3 US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons report, but they moved to Tier 2 watch last year. In 2022, they officially improved to Tier 2 (2022 Trafficking in Persons Report).  

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It takes a village to prevent human trafficking

Some communities in Lesotho have “informal” or “illegal” borders leading to South Africa. These are areas where the river is narrow or shallow enough for someone to cross through easily, and they act as a primary transport opportunity for human traffickers. 

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Stopping human trafficking before it happens

Breaking news: The BDS Lesotho team intercepted a female traveling to meet an online boyfriend before exploitation could occur! Beautiful Dream Society provides transit monitoring services as part of our commitment to prevent and combat human trafficking in Lesotho. We watch for warning signs of a potential trafficking situation and take appropriate actions for suspicious circumstances. 

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Special field trips for special children

Most of the kids in the Beautiful Dream Society Children’s Homes don’t have parents to teach them about their heritage. They enjoy the privilege of indoor plumbing and proper education but lack some of the communal elements they would receive with a traditional upbringing. To combat this and fill the gaps, BDS takes the children on special field trips to learn about the world around them.  

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Struggle is only part of their story

Beautiful Dream Society aims to give orphans and impoverished children in Lesotho the best chance at a happy, healthy life. These kids face the same challenges as American children—friendship conflicts, career choices, boredom, peer pressure, and big life decisions that they struggle to navigate. At the end of the day, they’re normal kids with normal kid problems, and they need support to get through the growing pains. 

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Empowering survivors through trauma-informed care

Trauma-informed care is a cornerstone of our mission. At Beautiful Dream Society, we assist women, girls, and boys who have experienced human trafficking, sexual assault, gender-based violence, and other traumatic events. Our staff understands the complex thoughts, feelings, and emotions that trauma survivors face, and they use specialized care to accommodate those needs. 

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End human trafficking.