Beautiful News


Category: Children’s Homes

Struggle is only part of their story

Beautiful Dream Society aims to give orphans and impoverished children in Lesotho the best chance at a happy, healthy life. These kids face the same challenges as American children—friendship conflicts, career choices, boredom, peer pressure, and big life decisions that they struggle to navigate. At the end of the day, they’re normal kids with normal kid problems, and they need support to get through the growing pains. 

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Family reunion after human trafficking

Imagine being ripped from your family so young that you don’t even know they exist. Instead of building core memories around the dinner table, your memories are rooted in an unfamiliar land. Such is the case for millions of children who get trafficked every year. 

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Providing shelter and safety for vulnerable children

After her mother’s passing, Mapaseka and her little sister had nowhere to go. Their relatives weren’t capable of being their reliable, full-time guardians. Fortunately, the Beautiful Dream Society’s staff knew Mapaseka because her mother had previously worked at the BDS children’s home.

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Making a difference in children’s lives

Lereko is a 15-year-old boy who has been staying at BDS’ children’s homes since 2013. He has been homeschooled since first grade due to intellectual development delay. Despite this obstacle, there has been a huge improvement since he first arrived.

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A 12 year old’s answered prayers

Libuseng’s biological mother gave birth to her when she was only 18. As a scared new mother that was unemployed, uneducated, and an orphan herself, Libuseng’s mom abandoned her one-year-old child.

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Helping a young girl through her grief

tressful life event for any child; studies have shown this has long-lasting emotional ramifications in an individual. The effects of the death of a parent become even worse when a child has to be institutionalized because nobody is willing to take care of them in their environment. 

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A BDS child’s unhindered progress

Rose has been at the Beautiful Dream Society (BDS) children’s home for a while now, and she is a true testimony of God’s love and grace. Her smile is contagious and always coupled with an affectionate hug.

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Christmas in Lesotho

Christmas in Lesotho is quite fun and relaxing, and in some ways different from Christmas in other countries. First of all, Christmas in Lesotho is in the summertime, so the weather is nice and warm. There is no “white Christmas” in Lesotho! 

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Shaping children’s futures

Having to witness his parents’ death at such a tender age, Mark lived with a lot of sadness and fear, more than any child should ever experience. Whenever someone would mention death in front of him, he would run away. 

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From unanswered questions to reunions

In early childhood and throughout life, relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging. Belonging is central to being and becoming in that it shapes who children are and who they can become. Fostering a sense of belonging for children can create an environment where learning can thrive.

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End human trafficking.