Struggle is only part of their story

Beautiful Dream Society aims to give orphans and impoverished children in Lesotho the best chance at a happy, healthy life. These kids face the same challenges as American children—friendship conflicts, career choices, boredom, peer pressure, and big life decisions that they struggle to navigate. At the end of the day, they’re normal kids with normal kid problems, and they need support to get through the growing pains. 

Such is the case with Thapelo, a bright young man nearing the end of his secondary education. Thapelo came into the BDS home a few years ago after he aged out of his former placement and needed a safe place to call home. 

Thapelo is a loving and caring brother to his siblings at the home, and he spends most of his free time entertaining them with his hilarious antics. He adores his BDS mom and persistently ensures she is comfortable and cared for.

Much like other students, Thapelo struggled for a bit in school during the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, he pushed through his course work and is now in his final year of high school. 

Thapelo has dealt with tremendous turmoil in his life, but he’s still an “average” teenager at the end of the day. He doesn’t quite know what career path he wants to follow, but he trusts that God will point him in the right direction. He is a talented and passionate artist and plays a critical role in the church media team. He is punctual to church each Sunday, and he goes above and beyond to make sure he’s serving his community well. 

We often get so wrapped up in the sad stories from the children’s pasts, and it’s hard to remember that they’re just kids. They’ve overcome obstacles many of us will never have to face, but they still go through crushes, confusion, and creative spurts all the same. Beautiful Dream Society is honored to be a part of their journeys, from the significant milestones all the way down to the small bedtime stories. Your support allows us to continue helping sweet souls like Thapelo year after year. 

P.S.: It’s wintertime here in the Southern Hemisphere, and in this mountain kingdom, temperatures are frigidThe children need coats, hats, gloves, and scarves for the winter. Can you help us? For just $35, we can get all of those things for one child. Check out our Donation Page to learn more, and thank you in advance for your support!

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