Getting winter essentials to Lesotho’s children

In the breathtaking country of Lesotho, Africa, snow-covered mountains and rolling hills define the landscape. But among this incredible scenery, we see another story unfold. In Lesotho, you will find resilient children who have faced adversity the likes of which most of us can only imagine. 

As these children work to overcome the effects of their various circumstances, they need our help to provide for their needs. Specifically, they need help keeping warm in the harsh winters of Lesotho, where the temperature can drop below freezing.

Our work in Lesotho

Beautiful Dream Society exists to lift Lesotho and restore the lives of those who have been ravaged by human trafficking, disease, and poverty. These factors compound each other, keeping the Basotho people down. We address each of these issues within the country and for individuals so that one day, we can see an independent, thriving people and country. 

Seasonal struggles

Lesotho’s winters can be incredibly harsh, with temperatures often plummeting below freezing. For these young ones, staying warm is not just a matter of comfort; their survival is on the line. 

Many of them lack the most basic winter essentials, like coats, hats, gloves, and boots. And just like the small children in your life, they grow out of these items often. 

These necessities are often unaffordable for the orphaned children of Lesotho, pushing them to endure bitter cold without proper protection.

Our goal

We must provide the children in our care with the necessities they need to thrive. We

believe that every child deserves to dream and grow in a secure and warm environment., so they can focus on healing and growing. To achieve this goal, we will need your help. 

The $89 Solution

For just $89, you can make a significant difference in the life of a child living in one of our shelters. This donation will cover the cost of essential winter items such as a warm coat, a hat, gloves, and boots. Your contribution will ensure that a child doesn’t have to shiver in the cold, providing them with comfort, warmth, and the opportunity to focus on their studies. 

As the winter temperatures drop, consider partnering with us to make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable children in our care. By joining hands and hearts, we can ensure that these children have a chance to thrive, dream, and break free from the cold grasp of poverty and abuse.

Please make a donation here on our website to help!

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End human trafficking.