Sexual and gender-based violence in Lesotho

Lesotho, a small African nation nestled in the mountains, has been grappling with one of the highest incidences of sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) globally. However, amidst these grim statistics, Beautiful Dream Society stands as a shining example of how dedicated organizations are making a meaningful impact on the lives of survivors. 

A sobering reality

According to the World Population Review’s 2022 report, Lesotho has earned a disheartening reputation for having one of the highest rates of gender-based violence in the world. A staggering 86% of Basotho women have experienced GBV in their lifetime, underscoring the urgent need for intervention and support for survivors. The nation also ranks distressingly high in instances of rape per capita and murder rates, reflecting the profound challenges that Lesotho faces on multiple fronts.

Poverty and limited educational resources sit at the foundation of these shocking statistics. People find themselves in vulnerable positions because they can barely afford to survive. When someone comes along offering work opportunities or a better quality of life, they jump at the chance for a fresh start. Unfortunately, those false promises come with devastating consequences. 

What BDS is doing

Beautiful Dream Society offers several services to prevent human trafficking and help trafficking survivors recover from their trauma. Our efforts include the following:

  • Transit monitoring that notifies our specialists if there is someone at risk of being trafficked across the border.
  • Crisis Shelters and Children’s Homes house women, children, orphans, and others who may be at risk of trafficking or are recovering from it.
  • Educational classes equip kids, teens, and young adults with the knowledge they need to pursue a vibrant future. 
  • Trauma recovery counseling and support for trafficking survivors.
  • Fundraising and awareness programs fuel our missing to end human trafficking.

Together, we can reduce the prevalence of GBV in Lesotho. Check out our Donation Page to learn how you can get involved.

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End human trafficking.